The Essentials of Portuguese Politics
Almost five decades after the revolution, with the international spotlight off, Portuguese politics is on a par, in terms of virtues and shortcomings, with that of any other European society, facing challenges similar to those of the world's most advanced societies. However, it still has notable singularities that define and threaten it and which must be examined and made known.
The Essentials of Portuguese Politics offers a unique, up-to-date and orderly overview of the country and its political system. Originally published by Oxford University Press, this book brings together contributions from the best national and international researchers, covering Portuguese democratisation since the 1970s, political institutions, voter involvement and mass politics, parties and the party system, protests and social movements, governance and public policies, participation in the European Union and Portugal's foreign and defence policy.
A book that takes a close look at national politics.
By promoting its translation English, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos seeks to make this book, which will certainly mark the social sciences in Portugal, more widely available, allowing lessons to be learned about the functioning and quality of democracy in the country.
This book is on sale on the Tinta da China website, with a 10% discount. Check it out here.