Groundbreaking opinion polls on relevant current national issues Population Social Affairs Barometer Bookmark Immigration Barometer: the view of the Portuguese What do the Portuguese think and feel about immigration and immigrants? Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos has released a new barometer aimed at... 17 December 2024 17/12/2024 25 min Justice Politics Barometer Bookmark Corruption Barometer How does Portuguese society view corruption? FFMS has launched a new barometer to understand the phenomenon, considered one of the most serious... 16 September 2024 16/09/2024 23 min Politics Barometer Bookmark European Policy Barometer How do Portuguese citizens view the European institutions? What do Portuguese people know and how do they feel about the EU? How do we assess its... 08 May 2024 08/05/2024 18 min More barometers FFMS: Barometer Search 1 publications What are you looking for? More Theme AllAccess to Law and CourtsPublic AdministrationAgricultureFoodArtsBiologyChildren and YouthEconomic CyclesCorruptionInequalityElementary and Secondary EducationAgeingClimate ChangeInternational TradeScience CommunicationHealthcareCultureCulture, environment and sportsLawElectionsPre-School EducationHousingBiodiversityIllnessesEconomyEconomics, business, and consumersHigher EducationSpaceEthicsFamilyPhilosophyGender EqualityJustice SystemCourtsEducation, science, media and technologyEnergyForestationGovernanceHistoryMigrationsNeurosciencePandemicPovertyTeachersDeathEducation SystemPublic FinancesHeritageSeaMental HealthThe citizen, the State and the International InstitutionsPoliticsSocial ProtectionScientific SystemBirthsCustoms and PracticesEnergy ResourcesFinancingHealth, social security and solidarityLocal GovernmentSocial affairsSchool LifeSexualityTechnologyHousingHealthcare SystemPolitical RegimesPopulationReligionSustainabilityWork lifeInfrastructure and TransportInternational RelationsPersonal and family lifeTerritoryWorkEuropean UnionProfile of EnterprisesWorkEnvironmentScienceCultureRights and DutiesEconomyEducationJusticePoliticsPopulationSocial AffairsHealth Theme and sub-theme » Taxonomy term » Parents of the term Operator Is one ofIs all of EnvironmentScienceCultureRights and DutiesEconomyEducationJusticePoliticsPopulationSocial AffairsHealth Secondary Theme Operator Is one ofIs all of EnvironmentScienceCultureRights and DutiesEconomyEducationJusticePoliticsPopulationSocial AffairsHealth Order by More relevantLess relevantOlderLatestShorterLongerLeast viewedMore viewed Apply Social Affairs Economy Barometer Bookmark Housing Barometer 09 November 2023 09/11/2023 12 MIN You may also like FFMS: Recommended (Automatic) - Small Science Interview Bookmark Neil Lawrence: Artificial Intelligence is not that simple 41 min Health Culture Article Bookmark When Time Stood Still: A Look Back at the Pandemic 2 min Politics Culture Documentary Bookmark After the Carnation Revolution: how do we experience culture? 15 min Bookstore To buy Social Affairs Portraits Bookmark Newspapers €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Portraits Bookmark The Children of Monte Gordo €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
Population Social Affairs Barometer Bookmark Immigration Barometer: the view of the Portuguese What do the Portuguese think and feel about immigration and immigrants? Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos has released a new barometer aimed at... 17 December 2024 17/12/2024 25 min
Justice Politics Barometer Bookmark Corruption Barometer How does Portuguese society view corruption? FFMS has launched a new barometer to understand the phenomenon, considered one of the most serious... 16 September 2024 16/09/2024 23 min
Politics Barometer Bookmark European Policy Barometer How do Portuguese citizens view the European institutions? What do Portuguese people know and how do they feel about the EU? How do we assess its... 08 May 2024 08/05/2024 18 min
Politics Culture Documentary Bookmark After the Carnation Revolution: how do we experience culture? 15 min
Social Affairs Portraits Bookmark Newspapers €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Portraits Bookmark The Children of Monte Gordo €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
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Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
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Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all
Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details
Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details