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Duarte Vilar
Sociologist, associate professor at Lusíada University, researcher and director of the Luísada Centre for Research in Social Work and Social Intervention (CLISSIS).
His research interests focus on families, adolescence, human sexuality and sexual and reproductive policies and rights.
He has a degree and a PhD in Sociology from ISCTE.

Last updated: January 2025
Jorge Gato
Psychologist, psychotherapist and family therapist. He is a visiting professor and researcher at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.
His research interests include LGBT psychology, family and gender, subjects on which he has published nationally and internationally.
He has a PhD in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, a BA and MA in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra.

Last updated: january 2025
Susana Atalaia
Sociologist and assistant researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the University of Lisbon (ICS-ULisboa). She is a member of the Permanent Observatory of Families and Family Policies (OFAP).
Her research is focused on new trends in family life; children and family recomposition; the legal status of stepfathers and stepmothers; family solidarity; family policies; parenthood and gender.
She is the author of several scientific articles, including: «Parenting in stepfamilies: revisiting the stepfather's role»; «Why are caring masculinities so difficult to achieve? Reflections on Men and Gender Equality in Portugal» and «The gender(ed) division of labour in Europe: patterns of practices in 18 EU countries». She is also co-author of «The White Paper Men and Gender Equality in Portugal», published in 2016.
She has a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Social Sciences, specialising in General Sociology.

Last updated: January 2025
Manuel Cardoso
Doctor and public health consultant.
Secretary-general of the National Alcohol and Health Forum (FNAS).
Postgraduate in Labour Medicine and Health Administration.

Last updated: january 2025
Pedro Carvalho
Assistant professor of Nutrition and Health at the School of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University and visiting assistant professor at the University of Maia, he has a PhD in Food Consumption and Nutrition Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.
He is the volleyball nutritionist at Leixões Sport Club and is in private practice at the Velásquez Medical Centre and the Guimarães Private Clinic, where he accompanies various athletes.
Between 2009 and 2017, he was the nutritionist of Futebol Clube do Porto.

Last updated: january 2025
Teresa Leão
Doctor specialised in Public Health, she is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.
She coordinates the Policy and Health Laboratory of the Associate Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR).
She has been studying social determinants and socio-economic inequalities in health, as well as social and health policies, combining quantitative and qualitative methods.
She was a researcher on the SILNE-R project (Horizon 2020), carrying out economic evaluation of tobacco control policies, an expert on the National Health Council and a consultant for the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development, in the area of health equity.

Last updated: January 2025
Diana Aguiar de Sousa
Neurologist at the Cerebrovascular Diseases Unit of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon and researcher at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Lisbon.
A member of the editorial board of the ‘European Stroke Journal’ and the ‘International Journal of Stroke’, she has authored or co-authored more than 80 articles and book chapters. Her main interests are cerebral venous thrombosis, implementation of stroke care, stroke in young people and pregnant women.

Last updated: january 2025
Henrique Barros
Full Professor of Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and President of the Institute of Public Health of the same institution. He coordinates the Epidemiology Research Unit and the Associated Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR).
He is also president of theAssociation of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER).
He has carried out research in areas such as clinical and perinatal epidemiology, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases and cancer, which has resulted in hundreds of international scientific publications.

Last update: January 2025
Farol de Ideias
Producer of television programmes, films, editorial content for the press and radio programmes. Amongst the content produced are: «Biosfera», «Liga dos Últimos», «A Ruína do BES», «Radar de Negócios» and, for FFMS, «A Revolução da Energia Limpa», «Portugal, uma casa para todos» and four episodes of the series «Cinco Décadas de Democracia».

Last update: january 2025
Madalena Almeida
Actress. She won the award for Best Secondary Actress at the Sophia Awards, in 2024, for her role in the film ‘Mal Viver’, directed by João Canijo.
She appeared in the film ‘Ramiro’, by Manuel Mozos, in ‘Pôr do Sol: O Mistério do Colar de São Cajó’, by Manuel Pureza, and in several TVI, SIC and RTP1 soap operas.

Last update: january 2025