
FFMS: Themes - Most Recent
O passado pela frente
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Carlos Moreira da Silva
He runs the Teak Capital fund, is a partner in the Horizon Equity Partners fund, vice-chairman of Sonae Indústria, and sits on the board of the Serralves Foundation. He recently stepped down as chairman of the BA Glass group after 22 years running the company.
He has accumulated decades of experience in company management, running dozens of companies in a wide variety of areas - here we name just a few. He was chairman of the Board of Directors of Sonae Retalho Especializado, TVI - Televisão Independente and the Spanish company La Seda de Barcelona. He managed the EDP - Energias de Portugal group and was a member of the board of COTEC Portugal.
He taught at the University of Porto between 1975 and 1987. He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Porto, a master's degree and a doctorate in Management from the University of Warwick, UK.

Last updated: december 2020
José Ferreira Gomes
He is Rector of the University of Maia. He was Secretary of State for Higher Education and also for Science. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Porto and got his Master’s degree in Mathematics and PhD in Theoretical Chemistry from the University of Oxford (England). He has been teaching since 1968 and was Professor of Chemistry at the University of Porto School of Sciences until 2013. Researcher at the Chemistry Research Centre and then at the Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry. He was a member of the Portuguese parliament in the 11th legislature.

Last updated: March 2023
Filipa Melo
She is a writer, teacher, literary critic and communicator. She has worked in the dissemination of Books and Literature in the press and on television for 30 years, at dissemination events and writing workshops and tutoring.
Currently, she is editor of «Ler» magazine, she writes literary criticism in the «Sol» newspaper, coordinates and teaches a post-graduate degree in fiction writing at Universidade Lusófona, she is responsible for the communication of Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos essays and portraits, part of the communication office of ULS Médio Tejo, coordinates the Dom Luis I Foundation programme of International Writing Residences and is on the Cultural Council of the Eça de Queiroz Foundation.
She is the author of the novel «This Is My Body», translated into seven languages, of the reportage book «The Last Sailors» (FFMS) and of a «Sentimental Dictionary of Adultery».

Last updated: May 2024
Catarina Gomes
She was a Público journalist for about 20 years. She wrote the novel «Terrinhas», which received the Agustina Bessa-Luís Revelation Award in 2021. She has written three non-fiction books, which are on the National Reading Plan: «Crazy things», «Your Father’s Name is not Sergeant» and «Daddy, Were You Afraid?»
She was among the finalists of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez Journalism Prize twice (2015 and 2016). She received the King of Spain International Prize for Journalism in 2015, the Gazeta Multimedia Prize (2014), the AMI-Journalism Award against Indifference (2015) and the Orlando Gonçalves Literary Prize (2016).

Last updated: January 2024
Luciano Moreira
He was born in Porto in 1982. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Coimbra and a Master's degree in Psychology from the University of Porto. He has a PhD in Digital Media (UT Austin | Portugal) from the University of Porto. He has taken part in several projects on the educational integration of digital media. He has published works on the subjects of digital media and science teaching in a number of national and international forums and journals.
Carmo Seabra
Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Nova School of Business and Economics at Nova University Lisbon. She was Administrator of the National Communications Authority and Minister of Education in the 16th Constitutional Government. Her research has been in the area of Microeconomic Policy, in particular Economic Regulation. In recent years she has done research on Education Economics, co-authoring several articles in this area, including retention, the efficiency of publicly funded private schools, the impact of the publication of school rankings, sampling problems in PISA, decisive factors for success in higher education.