Social Affairs

FFMS: Themes - Most Recent
O passado pela frente
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Rui Frias
He first set foot in a newsroom in 1997, in the northern offices of the «Diário de Notícias». He started out in sport and was sent to the Olympic Games and European Football Championships, before devoting himself to other subjects, from science to education, and edited the Society and Online sections.
He took second place in the EIT Food Prize, with a report on the drought.

Last update: january 2025
Rafael Vieira
In addition to being an architect, he is also a freelance journalist.
He was an activist with the Wake Up Lisbon Movement, editor of «DIF» and «Le Cool Lisboa» and journalist for «Coimbra Coolectiva» magazine.
He took second place in the Fundação Casais/CEiiA Prize for «Journalism for Sustainability 2023», received an honourable mention in the «2023 Journalism and Local Power» Prize from the Association of Portuguese Municipalities and an honourable mention for journalism from «Associação Corações com Coroa» in 2024.
He has a Bachelor's degree in Architecture form the Coimbra School of Artistic Technology and a Master's degree in Building Rehabilitation from the University of Coimbra.

Last updated: january 2025
Rita Cordovil
Professor at the University of Lisbon School of Human Motricity.
She has a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education, a Master’s degree in Sport Psychology and a PhD in Motor Sciences. She was a Physical Education teacher for 15 years. She has several national and international publications in the areas of motor development, motor skills, perception and action, independence of mobility, the importance of play, risk and child safety.

Last updated: May 2024
Filipa Melo
She is a writer, teacher, literary critic and communicator. She has worked in the dissemination of Books and Literature in the press and on television for 30 years, at dissemination events and writing workshops and tutoring.
Currently, she is editor of «Ler» magazine, she writes literary criticism in the «Sol» newspaper, coordinates and teaches a post-graduate degree in fiction writing at Universidade Lusófona, she is responsible for the communication of Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos essays and portraits, part of the communication office of ULS Médio Tejo, coordinates the Dom Luis I Foundation programme of International Writing Residences and is on the Cultural Council of the Eça de Queiroz Foundation.
She is the author of the novel «This Is My Body», translated into seven languages, of the reportage book «The Last Sailors» (FFMS) and of a «Sentimental Dictionary of Adultery».

Last updated: May 2024
Rita Canas Mendes
She has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and enjoys being alive so much that she finds herself thinking of death quite frequently. Over the years, she has read a lot about the subject, which continues to intrigue her. She also has many other interests, ranging from literary translation to traditional typography. This is her fourth book, with other books in the works.

Last updated: October 2018
Rita Almeida de Carvalho
She has a PhD in Contemporary History and is a researcher at ICS-UL – the University of Lisbon Institute of Social Sciences. She works on the Estado Novo and is currently studying the association between architecture and politics, looking for analogies and connections between Salazarism and other inter-war dictatorships. At the same time, she has devoted herself to archive work and is responsible for the Social History Archive at ICS-UL.

Last updated: February 2019