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João Pedro Henriques
He reports on national politics for the Diário de Notícias newspaper.
He graduated from the Centre for Vocational Training for Journalists and also worked at the LUSA Agency and the Público newspaper.
In 2020, he launched the work «Ana Gomes – Life and the World», which is the result of a long interview with the former MEP and ambassador. He is the author of «Unfinished Revolution, what didn't change on 25 April», one of the books that is part of the FFMS collection of Portraits.

Last updated: January 2024
Pedro Prostes da Fonseca
He is a journalist. He directed the «Meios & Publicidade» newspaper and the news office at the Impala group. He was coordinator at the «24 horas» and «Sol» newspapers. He worked at the Lusa press agency, the «Expresso» newspaper and «Sábado», «Superjovem», «Pais & Filhos» magazines, among others. He has published several books.

Last updated: January 2024
Álvaro Nascimento
Economist, he was Director of the School of Economics and Management at the Catholic University of Portugal (Porto). He holds a PhD in Finance from Cass Business School (London). He has research interests and publications in the areas of Financial Market Regulation and Telecommunications. Lead economist in some of the largest merger operations in Portugal and consultant to financial companies, he has carried out various consultancy assignments, particularly in the financial and telecommunications sectors.

Last updated: March 2022
João Gama Amaral
A forestry engineer with a postgraduate degree in Forest Resources (UTAD), he was born in Vila Real in 1960. He began his professional career at Vila Flor Municipal Council, followed by DRATM and DGRF. In 1988, he moved to the private sector at Silvigest – Gestão Florestal, SA, coordinating the Trás-os-Montes and Norte Litoral areas and, in 1991, he took over the technical office at A. Mota & Filhos. Mota & Filhos. Lda. Shortly afterwards, he joined the first governing bodies of AFNCP (now FORESTIS). In 1993, he set up Bosque, Lda, working in the Beiras and Alentejo regions. In the same year, he became a consultant for the TMAD Baldios Secretariat and, in 2002, for BALADI, the National Baldios Federation.
Ricardo Gomes Moreira
He has a Bachelor’s degree and a Master's degree in Anthropology from the University of Coimbra (2008) and the University of Lisbon Institute of Social Sciences (2014). He is a PhD Researcher on the project COLOUR – The Colour of Labour: The Racialised Lives of Migrants, at the same institute, exploring areas of research at the crossroads between Science Studies and Anthropology.

Last updated: March 2022
Francisco Lopes
He has been a journalist and infographic designer for the “Público” newspaper since 2016. He has been recognised with more than three dozen national and international awards and mentions in infographics.
With a degree in Graphic Design, he has taken part in several world congresses on infographics at the Malofiej workshop in the University of Navarra - Pamplona, Spain.
He studied programming languages at Formabase.
His work focuses on producing infographics for paper and online and creating new digital visual narratives.
José Alves
Journalist, infographic designer and illustrator for the "Público" newspaper since 2006. He previously worked for the Impala and Cofina Media groups.
He has won more than dozens of national and international awards and mentions in infographics, online infographics, animated infographics and illustration.
He took part in the Malofiej workshop at the University of Navarra - Pamplona, Spain, in 2009, and has been to several world congresses. In Portugal, he completed a workshop in storytelling through infographics at the Instituto Superior de Gestão.
With a background in design, he decided to invest in web design training at LX School (Flag) and, more recently, in programming language at Formabase.
His work focuses on producing infographics for paper and online and creating new digital visual narratives with a large illustrative component.

Last updated: November 2023
Donatella della Porta
A political scientist and sociologist, she is Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences and Director of the Doctoral Program in Political Science and Sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, where she also directs the Centre for Social Movement Studies (Cosmos). Her main research topics include corruption, social movements, political violence and terrorism. She directed the important «ERC Mobilizing for Democracy» project, focusing on the participation of civil society in democratisation processes in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. She has been awarded several prizes, including the Mattei Dogan Prize (2011) for outstanding achievements in the field of political sociology and the Humboldt Prize (2021).

Last updated: August 2022