João Gama Amaral
A forestry engineer with a postgraduate degree in Forest Resources (UTAD), he was born in Vila Real in 1960. He began his professional career at Vila Flor Municipal Council, followed by DRATM and DGRF. In 1988, he moved to the private sector at Silvigest – Gestão Florestal, SA, coordinating the Trás-os-Montes and Norte Litoral areas and, in 1991, he took over the technical office at A. Mota & Filhos. Mota & Filhos. Lda. Shortly afterwards, he joined the first governing bodies of AFNCP (now FORESTIS). In 1993, he set up Bosque, Lda, working in the Beiras and Alentejo regions. In the same year, he became a consultant for the TMAD Baldios Secretariat and, in 2002, for BALADI, the National Baldios Federation.
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