Catherine Moury
Assistant Professor at Nova University Lisbon. Her research focuses on institutional change in the European Union and coalition governments, subjects on which she has published articles in journals such as the European Journal of Public Policy, West European Politics and Party Politics. She has written "Coalition Government and Party Mandate: How coalition agreements constrain ministerial action" (Routledge, 2012) and "Changing rules of delegation: A contest of Power for comitology" (with A. Héritier, C. Bisschoff and C-F. Bergström, Oxford University Press, 2012). Her article "Explaining the European Parliament's Right to Appoint and Invest the Commission: Interstitial institutional change", published in West European Politics in 2007, was awarded the Vincent Wright Memorial Prize and the Gulbenkian Prize for the Internationalisation of Social Sciences. Among other subjects, she teaches Comparative Political Systems and European Union Institutions.
Last updated: May 2014
Last updated: May 2014