Democracy in Europe
No. 64 AUGUST 2016
Is the European Union still a democracy? Was it ever? Are its decisions legitimate? This book addresses these issues, seeking to help understand how the EU works and to what extent it is democratic. The argument is that European democracy has been perfected, largely thanks to the European Parliament's own ambition for power. However, the sovereign debt crisis – which moved decision-making outside the formal EU structures – has dramatically worsened the EU’s democratic problem.
Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
Is the European Union still a democracy? Was it ever? Are its decisions legitimate? This book addresses these issues, seeking to help understand how the EU works and to what extent it is democratic. The argument is that European democracy has been perfected, largely thanks to the European Parliament's own ambition for power. However, the sovereign debt crisis – which moved decision-making outside the formal EU structures – has dramatically worsened the EU’s democratic problem.
Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
More details
7 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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