Imagem do politólogo Pedro Magalhães
Pedro Magalhães
Pedro Magalhães was born in Lisbon, in 1970. He has two children. He is a coordinator researcher at the Social Sciences Institute of Universidade de Lisboa. He received a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and gained a PhD in Political Science from Ohio State (2003), in the United States. He is the author of various works on electoral behaviour, public opinion, attitudes and political institutions, published in Portuguese and international academic journals and in volumes published by Oxford University Press, Routledge, MacMillan, Armand Colin and Siglo XXI. His published work, both individually and in collaboration with other authors, includes: O Parlamento Português: Uma Reforma Necessária (Lisbon: 2002), A Abstenção Eleitoral em Portugal (Lisbon: 2002), Portugal a Votos: as Eleições Legislativas de 2002 (Lisbon: 2004), Eleições e Cultura Política (Lisbon: 2007) and Eleições Legislativas e Presidenciais 2005-2006 (Lisbon: 2009).

Last updated: march 2023