Fernando Alexandre: Presentation of the study «From Made In to Created In: A new paradigm for the Portuguese economy»
64 min
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An ageing population and climate change are creating huge challenges for economic growth in Portugal. Responding to these impacts requires a new paradigm for wealth creation based on knowledge, skills and innovation.

This unprecedented study, by a team of more than 20 researchers coordinated by economist Fernando Alexandre, includes an exhaustive diagnosis of the state of the national economy and an integrated set of proposals across seven strategic areas: territory and infrastructures; investment and global value chains; the national scientific and technological system; qualifications and the labour market; the economic environment; innovative SMEs; and the national strategy for the sea.

Research presented at the «Challenging Portugal» meeting.

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Apresentação e debate do Estudo Instituições e Qualidade da Democracia com Tiago Fernandes
Apresentação do estudo «Instituições e Qualidade da Democracia: Cultura Política na Europa do Sul», seguido de debate

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97 min
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97 min
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Encontros da Fundanção Francisco Manuel dos Santos

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