Helena Bento
Helena Bento nasceu a 9 de julho de 1975 em Lisboa. Licenciada em Administração e Gestão de empresas pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Começou o seu percurso profissional na Unilever Fima em Portugal tendo desempenhado várias funções na área de Marketing. Foi VP da área Internacional da Gallo Worldwide de 2009 a 2017 onde liderou equipas no Brasil e na China e foi responsável pela expansão internacional da marca Gallo na América, Ásia e África. Foi CEO da JMDB Representação e Distribuição de Marcas, entre fevereiro de 2017 e abril de 2021. Assumiu a função de CEO da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos em abril de 2020. Define-se como uma construtora de equipas e acredita que a liderança deve ser exercida com os olhos abertos para o futuro, procurando novas ideias e conceitos e preparando as organizações para uma aprendizagem e adaptação constante.
Última atualização: julho de 2022
The director general and member of the Foundation's Executive Committee and Board of Directors, Helena Bento, has a degree in Business Management. Accumulates positions as CEO of JMDB Representation and Brand Distribution, which she holds since February 2017. She directed the International area of Gallo Worldwide from 2009 to 2017 where led teams in Brazil and China and was responsible for the international expansion of the Gallo brand in America, Asia and Africa. She started her professional career at Unilever Fima in Portugal, having performed several functions in the Marketing area. Defines herself as a team builder, considering that leadership must be exercised with eyes open to the future, looking for new ideas and concepts. Born in Lisbon in 1975.
Last update: july 2022
Última atualização: julho de 2022
The director general and member of the Foundation's Executive Committee and Board of Directors, Helena Bento, has a degree in Business Management. Accumulates positions as CEO of JMDB Representation and Brand Distribution, which she holds since February 2017. She directed the International area of Gallo Worldwide from 2009 to 2017 where led teams in Brazil and China and was responsible for the international expansion of the Gallo brand in America, Asia and Africa. She started her professional career at Unilever Fima in Portugal, having performed several functions in the Marketing area. Defines herself as a team builder, considering that leadership must be exercised with eyes open to the future, looking for new ideas and concepts. Born in Lisbon in 1975.
Last update: july 2022