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Leonor Sopas
Visiting Assistant Professor at Católica Porto Business School, Catholic University of Portugal – Porto Regional Centre. She is a regular contributor to the Centre for Management Studies and Applied Economics (CEGEA). Her research interests include internationalisation, cooperation networks, regional clusters and global value chains.
Rita Calçada Pires
Professor at the Nova School of Law in Lisbon, where she teaches Public Finance Law, Tax and International Tax Law and Social Security Law. She was an assistant at the Ministry of Solidarity and Social Security and national representative on the European Commission's Expert Group on Social Enterprise; coordinator of the research project iLab – Laboratory of Ideas on Social Innovation.

Last updated: March 2022
Francesco Franco
Assistant Professor at the Nova School of Business and Economics. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include fluctuations and applied macroeconomics, topics on which he has been published in several national and international academic journals. He is a member of the Statistical Council and a board member of the Institute of Public Policy. He also works as a consultant at LX Partners.

Last updated: March 2022
Catarina Leão
She is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Oxford, holds a Master's degree in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies from the Catholic University of Portugal Institute of Political Studies and a Bachelor’s degree in Management from the Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics.

Last updated: March 2022
Abel M. Mateus
He holds a PhD in Economics from Pennsylvania University in the USA and an aggregate degree from Nova University Lisbon. He was a professor at UNL and UCP, a director of the EBRD, Chairman of the Competition Authority, a director of the Bank of Portugal and a senior economist at the World Bank. He has written around 10 books and more than 120 articles.
Teresa Violante
She is a researcher at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and a visiting researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht. She is also a researcher at CEDIS – Centre for Research and Development on Law and Society (Nova Direito). She researches and publishes in the areas of Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and European Law.

Last updated: March 2022
Gonçalo Pina
He is an associate professor of international economics at the ESCP Business School in Berlin, Germany. His research focuses on international finance and macroeconomic policy. Previously, he was an assistant professor of economics at the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, California, USA. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. His articles have been published in academic journals such as the "Journal of Economic Psychology", the "Journal of Financial Economic Policy", "VoxEU", the "Journal of International Money and Finance" and "Kyklos".

Last updated: June 2020
Hugo Figueiredo
Assistant professor in the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism at the University of Aveiro and researcher at CIPES (Higher Education Policy Research Centre). He has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Porto and a PhD in Business Sciences from Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. He works with GOVCOPP – Research Unit in Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies at the University of Aveiro and is an affiliate of the Global Labour Organisation. His research focuses on Labour Economics, Education and Higher Education.
Diana Bonfim
She is a coordinating economist in the Bank of Portugal’s Economics and Research Department, where she has worked since 2001, and is a guest lecturer at Católica Lisbon. She has a PhD in Economics from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Her research interests include empirical studies on banking and corporate finance and monetary policy, and she has been published in the Review of Finance, the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking and the Journal of Banking and Finance, among others.

Last updated: April 2021