As cinzas deixadas pelos fogos em 2017, ano em que os incêndios provocaram mais mortes em Portugal.

In the ashes of the worst day of fires

It was the worst day of fires in the deadliest year in Portugal: 2017. The scars left by some of the 532 fires that swept through the north and centre of Portugal on 15 October 2017 were recorded by photographer Miguel Valle de Figueiredo. These photos would later give rise to the Ashes exhibition, which travelled to different parts of the country and will be held again from 12 October.
2 min

In the days that followed the tragedy on 15 October, photojournalist Miguel Valle de Figueiredo left Lisbon and headed for Tondela, where he has a house, equipped with clothing, supplies and a camera. 

He still finds it hard to talk about what he encountered there and that he continued to take photos of over the following two months. He travelled through the districts of Viseu and Coimbra, consumed by the flames, where he heard the stories of so many people who had lost everything or almost everything.

On what is considered the day the country saw more fires than ever before, 51 people died – many of them still in their homes – and hundreds were injured. 

Around 500 fires swept through more than 60 municipalities in the country. In 24 hours, over 220,000 hectares burned, an area more than twice the size of Lisbon City.

«The idea of documenting everything I could about those days came as soon as I arrived home, after seeing the first photos I’d taken. I realised that nobody was going to make an "archive" of the condition of the many areas for future memory», he said.

Fulfilling this mission, the pictures he took gave rise to the Ashes exhibition, which travelled to different parts of the country, as well as to the parliament, and will be held again in Casa da Cultura in Santa Comba Dão from 12 October. These are some of those photos.


«Foi tudo, fiquei eu e a casa», conta Etelvina Costa que perdeu ovelhas, oliveiras e a vinha na aldeia de Vinhal, Lageosa do Dão. Crédito da imagem: Miguel Valle Figueiredo.
Etelvina Costa, who lost her sheep, olive trees and vineyard in the village of Vinhal, Lageosa do Dão.
Imagem de um cão acorrentado, junto do que restou de uma estrutura destruída pelos incêndios na região centro de Portugal, em outubro de 2017.
A chained dog, next to the wreckage of a structure destroyed by flames.
As árvores entre cinzas dos incêndios de outubro de 2017 na Serra do Caramulo.  Crédito da imagem: Miguel Valle Figueiredo.
The trees, among ashes, in the Serra do Caramulo.
A ajuda multplicou-se vinda de todo o país. Roupas, cobertores e outros bens de primeira necessidade foram chegando
Food, blankets, clothes, among others, arrived in improvised warehouses from all over the country.