Income Inequality and Poverty in Portugal
What changes have there been in inequality in Portugal? How serious is poverty in the country? What impact have austerity policies had on family incomes? Find the answers to questions that are essential for understanding the Portuguese reality, with data from the study «Income Inequality and Poverty in Portugal».
3 min
Income Inequality and Poverty in Portugal
Find out about the main changes in income distribution and the living conditions of the Portuguese during the adjustment period, with the latest figures from the National Statistics Institute on the main indicators of inequality, poverty and social exclusion in Portugal.
- What consequences has the economic crisis had on the incomes of different population groups? Has the middle class in particular been impoverished or has there been a general reduction in family incomes?
- What impact have austerity policies had on family incomes in the different brackets? Have the poorest been spared a reduction in their income? Have the families with the highest incomes been penalised the most by the policies adopted?
- What were the effects of the social policy measures on the different social groups? Have they significantly affected the living conditions of the poorest families?
- What are the consequences of worsening unemployment and changes to labour legislation on wage distribution? What has changed in terms of wage inequality?
- How can we characterise the Portuguese reality when compared to the other countries of the European Union, especially those in the Eurozone? Is Portugal more or less unequal than its European partners?
Looking at:
- the changes in family incomes and the main indicators of inequality;
- the main indicators of monetary poverty;
- the main indicators of material deprivation in Portuguese families;
- the impact of redistributive policies on poverty reduction,
Through this study, FFMS aims to make a thorough assessment of the social consequences of one of the most severe crises Portugal has experienced in recent decades. And to analyse the measures implemented by the public authorities to deal with them.
Este estudo estudo permite pôr fim a dois mitos sobre o que se passou em Portugal entre 2009 e 2014. O primeiro é o de que as políticas de austeridade, como os cortes dos salários e das pensões, conseguiram isentar as famílias e os indivíduos mais pobres. O segundo, é o de que a crise foi particularmente sentida pela classe média. A realidade, infelizmente, é bem diferente. This study puts an end to two myths about what happened in Portugal between 2009 and 2014. The first is that austerity policies, such as wage and pension cuts, managed to exempt the poorest families and individuals. The second is that the crisis was particularly felt by the middle classes. The reality, unfortunately, is quite different.
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