Degree in Economics from The Higher Institute of Economics and Management (ISEG) at the University of Lisbon (2002-2007).
Focus on the areas of Public Economics and Social Policy, with a Seminar in these areas; Trainee in the Marketing Department of Banco Espírito Santo (2008);
Consultant at «Augusto Mateus & Associados – Sociedade de Consultores», in the areas of strategic support for territorial development, sector and business competitiveness studies and evaluation and monitoring of public programmes and policies (2009-2013); Advisor in the Office of the Deputy Mayor of Lisbon (2013-2018); Assistant to the Deputy Mayor of Lisbon (2018-2019); Head of Office of the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs.
Researcher at the University of Lisbon Institute of Social Sciences and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has researched and published extensively in the field of environmental governance in different contexts (Europe, Latin America and China). Currently, her work focuses on the notions of progress, growth and sustainability applied to the future of cities.
Geographer, specialist in Human Geography, Spatial Planning and regional and local development. Policy evaluator for the Portuguese government and the European Commission. He has been a consultant for the OECD, President of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development and Secretary of State for Spatial Planning and Cities.
Architect (Faculty of Architecture, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa), PhD in Town Planning – Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Lisbon Institute of Social Sciences. He studies the evolution of spatial planning as a public policy in Portugal, focusing on learning processes and institutional adaptation logics in the face of a changing legal and political framework.
Born in 1952. Degree in geography, from the Faculty of Letters, UL and a PhD from UL in Human Geography. As a researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, he coordinated the «Environment, Territory and Society» Research Group and the ICS-UL Observatories Council.
She has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a postgraduate degree in Management Control and Corporate Finance from ISEG. She was a consultant at Augusto Mateus & Associados.
Associate Partner, EY-Parthenon Portugal, Ernst & Young, S.A. Leads EY-Parthenon's Government and Public Sector team. He is a visiting professor at the University of Lisbon, where he teaches Macroeconomics and Economic Policy. Throughout his 30 years of professional experience, he has coordinated studies and projects on regional and sector analysis, impact measurement and evaluation, foresight and regional planning, monitoring and follow-up of regional and sector plans and strategies, as well as specific studies on the Portuguese and European economies.