Assistant Professor at Católica Porto Business School, Catholic University of Portugal – Porto Regional Centre. He works at the Centre for Management Studies and Applied Economics (CEGEA). His research interests include Empirical Industrial Economics, Quantitative Marketing, Financial Economics and Earnings Manipulation.
Visiting Assistant Professor at Católica Porto Business School, Catholic University of Portugal – Porto Regional Centre. She is a regular contributor to the Centre for Management Studies and Applied Economics (CEGEA). Her research interests include internationalisation, cooperation networks, regional clusters and global value chains.
She is a technical specialist at IES Provençana in Barcelona and a member of the PRM Market Intelligence team that produced the study "Women in Portugal today ".
She has a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering Sciences, with a specialisation in Technological Innovation from Boston University. She is part of the PRM Market Intelligence team that produced the study "Women in Portugal today". She was born in Miami, USA, in 1995.
He is a graduate in the Science of Religions (with a specialisation in Religious Phenomena in European Literature), Philosophy and Portuguese Philology and got his PhD in the Science of Religions from the University of Tübingen. In recent years, he has worked both on modernism in Fernando Pessoa (particularly in relation to his theoretical writings) and on the theory of secularisation (particularly in Portugal).
She has a PhD in Human Geography (FL-UC). She currently works at the Coordination and Development Committee for the Centre Region, where she is involved in research projects funded by H2020 and is the scientific coordinator of PhD graduates hired by the CCDRC as part of Science and Technology Scholarships.
He has a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Engineering (ISA-UTL), a Master's degree in Business Management and a PhD in Sociology (ISCTE-IUL). He was a researcher at NÚMENA and is currently an integrated researcher at the Centre for Research in Theology and Religion Studies (UCP). He works mainly on religious beliefs, practices and attitudes among young people.
PhD in Political Science (FCT), specialising in Political Theory and Analysis (FCSH/Nova; UFSC). Between 2014 and 2016, he was a PhD fellow of the European Union's Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programme at UFSC.
She holds a PhD in Sociology with a thesis on religious pluralism in Portuguese society and is a professor at the University of Porto School of Arts and Humanities.
She is a member of the executive committee of the Sociology department at this school and a researcher at the university, taking part in projects such as the EUREL project, which provides sociological and legal data on religion in Europe.
She studies the revitalisation of local churches in Europe, particularly in Portugal, and online religious expression.
She also researches issues related to legislation on religious freedom, new forms of religion and Catholicism in Portugal, religious minorities and Protestant and evangelical communities.
She has lectured at Uppsala University, Sweden, and was elected a member of the Council of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion.