He has worked in consumer policy for about 40 years. In addition to his work, he was an association representative, having served on the Consumer Advisory Committee, in the European Commission and on the board of the European Consumers’ Association. He was the author of television and radio programmes, as well as several works in the specific field of consumption.
He often works with regional press and blogs and does voluntary work with consumer associations as their representative. Since 2006, he has also devoted himself to studies on the Portuguese colony in Guinea and political life in Guinea-Bissau, subjects on which he has published a number of books.
He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Rochester, USA, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Portugal. He taught at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an associate professor at the Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, where he has devoted himself to teaching and research in the areas of public economy, social policies and health economics, seeking to create theories of practical application.
Professor at the Department of Geography and Regional Planning at Nova School of Social Sciences and Humanities in Lisbon and researcher at the CICS.NOVA Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences . Her research focuses on topics such as desertification, climate change and natural disasters. She is a member of the National Commission to Combat Desertification and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.
She has a PhD in Sociology, specialising in Development and Social Change, from the Nova School of Social Sciences and Humanities in Lisbon.
She is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at NOVA FCSH, where she coordinates the Master’s degree in Human Ecology and Contemporary Social Problems. She is an integrated researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences and has done research work on the subjects of ageing and the related social policies, family and intergenerational relations, as well as health.
Professor Charles Boxer at King’s College London. He has a PhD from the European University Institute, taught at Nova University Lisbon and he was director of the National Library and director of the Gulbenkian Cultural Centre in Paris. Among his monographs, we highlight «Racism from the crusades to the 20th century» and «History of Inquisitions», published by Círculo de Leitores in English, French, Italian and Spanish versions.