Miguel Morgado
Miguel Morgado is an Assistant Professor at the Lisbon Catholic University Institute of Political Studies. He has a PhD in Political Science, a Master’s degree in Political Science and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics. Between 2011 and 2015, he was Political Advisor to the Prime Minister and member of Parliament between 2015-2019. He has written several articles and book chapters, as well as annotated translations of classic works of political theory, such as Montesquieu, Do Espírito das Leis (Edições 70, 2011), Francis Bacon, Nova Atlântida e a Grande Instauração (Edições 70, 2008), John Locke, Dois Tratados do Governo Civil (Edições 70, 2007), Leo Strauss, Direito Natural e História (Edições 70, 2009). Each of these Portuguese editions was introduced by an extensive interpretative essay. He is also the author of several monographs: Sovereignty. Of its Uses and Abuses in Political Life (Dom Quixote, 2021), O Conservadorismo do Futuro e outros ensaios (Edições 70, 2017), Autoridade (FFMS, 2010), A Aristocracia e os seus críticos (Edições 70, 2008). Together with Rui Ramos, he co-authored the collective work “Linhas Direitas. Política e Cultura à Direita” (Dom Quixote, 2019). Together with Hugo Chelo, he co-authored Histórias e Fragmentos da Arte Empresarial (Actual Editora, 2013). He also participated in the book by João Carlos Espada, Miguel Morgado, and Hugo Chelo, Riqueza e Pobreza (Principia, 2001).