Paulo Moura
Reporter for the Público newspaper since its foundation. He was a correspondent in New York and editor of Pública magazine. For more than 20 years he has been reporting all over the world, in crisis zones, or wherever there is news or a good story. He has covered conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Algeria, Angola, Kashmir, Sudan, Libya and many others, and has won several awards (Gazeta, AMI, ACIDI, Portuguese Press Club, FLAD, Lettre Ulysses, Lorenzo Natali, etc.). He is a professor of journalism at the School of Communication and Media Studies in Lisbon and he wrote the biography of Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho and four other books. He currently has a blog on reports and gallivanting entitled «Reporter on the Loose».
Last updated: September 2020
Last updated: September 2020
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