D. Manuel Clemente
D. Manuel Clemente was born in S. Pedro e S. Tiago, Torres Vedras, in 1948. He was nominated Bishop of Porto in 2007. He graduated in History and entered the Olivais Seminary in 1973. In 1979, he graduated in Theology from Universidade Católica Portuguesa and was ordained in the same year. In 1992, he completed a PhD in Historical Theology. Since 1975, he has taught History of the Church at Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He has occupied the following positions and ecclesiastical offices: Coadjutor Bishop of the parishes Torres Vedras and Runa in 1980; Vice-Chancellor of the Olivais Seminary from 1989 to 1997; Chancellor of the same Seminary since 1997; Director of the Religious History Study Centre of Universidade Católica Portuguesa; nominated Titulary Bishop of Pinhel and Auxiliary Bishop of the Patriarch of Lisbon on 6th November, 1999; Episcopal ordination in 2000; Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon; President of the EpiscopalCommission of Culture, Cultural Assets and Social Communications, elected in 2005. He is the author of the following works: Portugal e os Portugueses (Lisbon: Assírio e Alvim, 2008); Igreja e Sociedade Portuguesa do Liberalismo à República (Lisbon: Grifo, 2002); A Igreja no Tempo (Lisbon: Grifo, 2000); A Igreja no Tempo. História Breve da Igreja Católica (Lisbon, 1978).
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