A Criança, a Familía e o Direito
A Criança, a Familía e o Direito

The Child, the Family and the Law

JUNE 2014

This book seeks to show, in a language that is easily understood by laypeople, the changes in the situation of «children» – people under 18 years of age – brought about by Family Law and other laws aimed at their protection in recent decades. The exercise of parental responsibilities is analysed in cases of parents living together and separately. Particular attention is given to children whose parents are unfit to exercise their responsibilities, for this purpose looking at the legal institutes capable of supporting them and seeking ways to better adapt them to the current reality. In a brief prospective look, we emphasise the need for adults to be able to meet the demands arising from the transformation of family relationships.
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8 × 150 × 235 mm

Book available only in Portuguese
