Tiago Fernandes
He works as a lecturer at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and as a researcher at the Centre for International Studies (CEI). He specialises in democracy, social movements and civil society.
He co-directs the «Varieties of Democracy in Southern Europe» project, which studies the causes and consequences of democratisation in Southern Europe from 1960 to the present. He also coordinates the Portuguese team on the «Disobedient Democracy» project, which analyses the causes and patterns of protest in the Southwest and Southeast of Europe.
For 20 years, he taught at the Nova University Lisbon, where he also headed the Political Studies department and served on the Board of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI).
He has dozens of publications in indexed journals and has written books such as «A Sociedade Civil», published by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Last updated: March 2021