Vítor Bento
Vítor Bento
President of the Portuguese Association of Banks and member of the General Council of the Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance. He is also on the board of the Professional Women Network (PWN) Lisbon.
He has a Bachelor's degree in Economics, a Master’s degree and a PhD in Philosophy and he is a visiting professor at the Catholic University of Portugal.
He was president of the institute that manages Public Debt, Director General of the Treasury, director of the foreign department at Banco de Portugal and administrator of the Macao Issuer Institute (current Monetary Authority). He was a member of the EU Monetary Committee and played an active role in the tasks of preparing the EMU at national and European level. He is active in civil society and was president of Sedes.
He regularly comments on economic and financial issues. He has written several books.

Last updated: December 2023