Alda Carvalho
Alda Carvalho was outgoing President of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), where she retired (2017) at the end of her mandate and on account of age limit. She graduated in Economics at the ISCEF -- Technical University of Lisbon, and pursued post-graduate training in several fields, such as microeconomics and economic models, forecasting and linear programming, internationalisation of financial markets and agricultural policies. She began her career as an economist in 1972, at the Centre for Planning Studies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Later on, she joined the Directorate General for Planning and Economic Integration of Mozambique and the Directorate-General for Trade. In 1982, she joined the Central Planning Department/Forecasting and Planning Department as an economist, holding the position of Deputy Director-General and Director-General between 1993 and 2005. She was Consultant to the World Bank and Advisor and Chief of the Secretary of State for Planning Office during the IX Constitutional Government. She presided INE for 12 years, consolidating, along with her team, the independence of this public body and enhancing its importance to society by providing high quality and increasingly comprehensive official statistics, thus fulfilling the Public Service Mission of this entity.
Last updated: july 2022
Last updated: july 2022
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