Therapy, Energy and Some Fantasies
No. 28 JANUARY 2018
The power of energy: just surf the internet or visit a bookshop to be flooded with promises of health, fortune and love. Alternative therapies have millions of followers, but where did this overwhelming wave of energy that promises to heal without touching come from? Knowing who the defenders and critics are and what arguments they have is perhaps the best way to start answering the question. From the Bible to the advent of the holistic hairdresser and Reiki, not forgetting the plethora of angels and spiritual guides, this is the picture of the phenomenon that many talk about, but where much still remains to be told.
The power of energy: just surf the internet or visit a bookshop to be flooded with promises of health, fortune and love. Alternative therapies have millions of followers, but where did this overwhelming wave of energy that promises to heal without touching come from? Knowing who the defenders and critics are and what arguments they have is perhaps the best way to start answering the question. From the Bible to the advent of the holistic hairdresser and Reiki, not forgetting the plethora of angels and spiritual guides, this is the picture of the phenomenon that many talk about, but where much still remains to be told.
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4.5 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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