Sending their Love, A Faraway Story of Emigration
MAY 2022
Did you know that the musical instrument typical of Hawaii, the ukelele, is the cavaquinho, taken there and altered by the Madeirans who had emigrated to Hawaii? To this day, this heritage and many other traditions are cherished by third and fourth generation Portuguese living on those islands. This book tells the story of their ancestors, about 27,000 Portuguese who, from the late 19th century to 1913, made a long voyage of emigration to the middle of the Pacific. Only those most desperate due to hunger and poverty, those who left nothing behind, embarked on this exodus. Unable to pay for the voyage in advance, a contract awaited them that would bind them to hard work in the sugar cane fields for a long time. Along the way, dozens of men, women and children died, and those who survived never forgot the terrible crossing. It was a Portuguese diaspora with no return, which this portrait pays rightful homage to today.
Did you know that the musical instrument typical of Hawaii, the ukelele, is the cavaquinho, taken there and altered by the Madeirans who had emigrated to Hawaii? To this day, this heritage and many other traditions are cherished by third and fourth generation Portuguese living on those islands. This book tells the story of their ancestors, about 27,000 Portuguese who, from the late 19th century to 1913, made a long voyage of emigration to the middle of the Pacific. Only those most desperate due to hunger and poverty, those who left nothing behind, embarked on this exodus. Unable to pay for the voyage in advance, a contract awaited them that would bind them to hard work in the sugar cane fields for a long time. Along the way, dozens of men, women and children died, and those who survived never forgot the terrible crossing. It was a Portuguese diaspora with no return, which this portrait pays rightful homage to today.
More details
8 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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