«The Portuguese» collection
Ten volumes that summarise the country, who we are and what we are like, based on data from Pordata. A partnership between Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, the Público newspaper and RTP.
Ten volumes that summarise the country, who we are and what we are like, based on data from Pordata. A partnership between Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, the Público newspaper and RTP.
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Find out more about the ten volumes:
- «How the Portuguese are born and how the Portuguese die», written by Maria Filomena Mendes, is a current portrait of Portuguese demography: population, births, deaths, natural change and migratory balance.
- «How the Portuguese grow», written by Maria do Céu Machado, speaks of child health, which is exemplary in Portugal, but also deals with other aspects of well-being such as family, education, justice and social support.
- «How the Portuguese learn», written by Luisa Loura, recalls that Portugal was more than 50 years behind countries in central and northern Europe in 1974 and that disruptive decisions had to be made that required a lot of work by teachers, students, parents and civil society.
- «How the Portuguese work», written by Pedro Brinca, talks about the changes in the Portuguese economy’s labour market in the last 30 years and addresses the challenges for the future, particularly the impact that automation can have.
- «How the Portuguese get sick», written by Fernando Leal da Costa, recalls that the Portuguese are living longer and longer but suffer from illness as they grow old. Our mental health is far from what we would like it to be. And we die a lot from causes that could be prevented.
- «How the Portuguese live», written by Alda Botelho Azevedo, talks about the living conditions of the Portuguese, privileging the territorial perspective whenever possible and relevant.
- «How the Portuguese spend», written by Susana Peralta, is a portrait of the consumption and savings decisions of Portuguese families. It analyses sources of income, inequalities and the changes in how much income is saved. Then it focuses on the part that is spent.
- «How the Portuguese eat», written by Pedro Graça, speaks of food, nutrition and health, but also of food security and the impact of food choices on the coming generations and on the environment.
- «How do the Portuguese age», written by Maria Joao Guardado Moreira, answers these questions: who are they, where and how do the Portuguese elderly live? How is society responding to the challenges of ageing?
- «What are the Portuguese like», written by Fernando Alexandre, talks about low productivity, the inequalities that persist, high debt and low savings in Portugal.
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Book available only in Portuguese
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