Tiago Pitta e Cunha
He is currently executive administrator of the Oceano Azul Foundation. He was an advisor on issues related to the Environment, Science and the Sea for the President of Portugal. He was a member of the Office of the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs (2004-2010), working as Coordinator at the European Commission for the development of the new EU Integrated Maritime Policy. He was appointed Coordinator of the Strategic Oceans Commission in 2002. Between 1997 and 2002, he was an Advisor at the Permanent Mission of Portugal to the United Nations, in charge of ocean affairs, and represented the EU at the United Nations General Assembly for Ocean Affairs during the Portuguese and French Presidencies of the EU in 2000.
He was awarded the Pessoa Prize 2021 and he received the European Citizen Award from the European Parliament for his work in promoting ocean governance in the United Nations, the European Union and Portugal in 2016.
Last updated: June 2022
He was awarded the Pessoa Prize 2021 and he received the European Citizen Award from the European Parliament for his work in promoting ocean governance in the United Nations, the European Union and Portugal in 2016.
Last updated: June 2022
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