Maria Isabel Rodrigues Baptista Bookmark Contents Bio PhD in Sociology, ISCTE-IUL. Last updated: March 2022 Associated topics Population Bookmark Associated topics Population More about FFMS: Autores Search 1 What are you looking for? More Theme AllAccess to Law and CourtsPublic AdministrationAgricultureFoodArtsBiologyChildren and YouthEconomic CyclesCorruptionInequalityElementary and Secondary EducationAgeingClimate ChangeInternational TradeScience CommunicationHealthcareCultureCulture, environment and sportsLawElectionsPre-School EducationHousingBiodiversityIllnessesEconomyEconomics, business, and consumersHigher EducationSpaceEthicsFamilyPhilosophyGender EqualityJustice SystemCourtsEducation, science, media and technologyEnergyForestationGovernanceHistoryMigrationsNeurosciencePandemicPovertyTeachersDeathEducation SystemPublic FinancesHeritageSeaMental HealthThe citizen, the State and the International InstitutionsPoliticsSocial ProtectionScientific SystemBirthsCustoms and PracticesEnergy ResourcesFinancingHealth, social security and solidarityLocal GovernmentSocial affairsSchool LifeSexualityTechnologyHousingHealthcare SystemPolitical RegimesPopulationReligionSustainabilityWork lifeInfrastructure and TransportInternational RelationsPersonal and family lifeTerritoryWorkEuropean UnionProfile of EnterprisesWorkEnvironmentScienceCultureRights and DutiesEconomyEducationJusticePoliticsPopulationSocial AffairsHealth Subtheme Environment-Agriculture-Climate Change-Biodiversity-Forestation-Sea-Energy Resources-Sustainability-TerritoryScience-Biology-Science Communication-Space-Neuroscience-Scientific System-TechnologyCulture-Arts-Culture-Philosophy-History-Heritage-Customs and PracticesRights and Duties-Access to Law and Courts-Culture, environment and sports-Economics, business, and consumers-Education, science, media and technology-The citizen, the State and the International Institutions-Health, social security and solidarity-Work life-Personal and family lifeEconomy-Economic Cycles-International Trade-Economy-Energy-Public Finances-Financing-Housing-Infrastructure and Transport-Profile of Enterprises-WorkEducation-Elementary and Secondary Education-Pre-School Education-Higher Education-Teachers-Education System-School LifeJustice-Corruption-Law-Justice System-CourtsPolitics-Public Administration-Elections-Ethics-Governance-Politics-Local Government-Political Regimes-International Relations-European UnionPopulation-Children and Youth-Ageing-Family-Migrations-Death-Births-PopulationSocial Affairs-Inequality-Housing-Gender Equality-Poverty-Social Protection-Social affairs-Religion-WorkHealth-Food-Healthcare-Illnesses-Pandemic-Mental Health-Sexuality-Healthcare System Typology AllBarometerConferenceDebateDocumentaryInterviewOthersPolicy Paper (EN)Study Order by More relevantLess relevantMost recentOldest Apply Population Social Affairs Study Bookmark Demographic dynamics and the ageing of the Portuguese population How old is the Portuguese population? What can explain this ageing? What future can we expect for the Portuguese population? Find the answer to these... 04 March 2015 04/03/2015 3 min Bookstore To buy Social Affairs Portraits Bookmark Newspapers €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Portraits Bookmark The Children of Monte Gordo €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Buy Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
Population Social Affairs Study Bookmark Demographic dynamics and the ageing of the Portuguese population How old is the Portuguese population? What can explain this ageing? What future can we expect for the Portuguese population? Find the answer to these... 04 March 2015 04/03/2015 3 min
Social Affairs Portraits Bookmark Newspapers €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Portraits Bookmark The Children of Monte Gordo €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Buy Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
Culture Portraits Bookmark The Children of Monte Gordo €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Buy Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
Population Portraits Bookmark The Salatinas, Coimbra of Nostalgia €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Buy Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
Science Essays Bookmark Generative Artificial Intelligence €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Buy Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content Language English 0 What are you looking for? Apply
Education Essays Bookmark Learning €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content Language English
Environment Health Essays Bookmark Air Quality in Portugal €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all Other content
Culture Other editions Bookmark Emblems of Portugal €26.10 €29.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details See all
Politics Other editions Bookmark Constitution, the Limits of Politics, 1822-1976 €10.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details
Science Essays Bookmark Cybersecurity €4.50 €5.00 iDesconto aplicado sobre o preço de editor. Portes de envio grátis para Portugal Continental e Ilhas. -10% Book details