Nelson Marques
He was born in Espinho in 1979. He writes for the Expresso, where he published his first report in 2001 and which he joined as coordinator of Revista magazine in 2011. He worked at the Público newspaper and with SIC and RTP, as well as publishing in several foreign newspapers, from the British The Guardian to the Spanish El Mundo. He interviewed Al Gore and Obama’s photographer, spoke to some of the best chefs in the world, covered Bolsonaro’s rise in Brazil and revealed a sexual harassment scandal involving former FIFA president, Sepp Blatter. His work has already won awards from the Portuguese Press Club, the Portuguese League Against Cancer, the European Best Cancer Reporter Award and the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities. He is the author of the books «Children of Chemotherapy», also published by FFMS, and «Chefs Without Reserves» (Clube do Autor).
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