For the Sake of Your Health – Food Science collection
What should we eat at every stage of life? What are the best foods available? How can weight and wallet be controlled and balanced? How can we promote the domestic economy and reduce our environmental footprint?
Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you will be. Now more than ever, diet is seen as modifiable behaviour with a clear impact on the promotion of physical and mental health and disease prevention. A safe investment In the future, paying attention to what we eat depends on the information we have and how we use it in the most appropriate consumption choices. It is therefore important to contribute to learning more about Portuguese food and nutrition, based on objective, credible and scientifically robust data. This is the goal of this collection of five books. For the sake of your health.
May 2023
Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you will be. Now more than ever, diet is seen as modifiable behaviour with a clear impact on the promotion of physical and mental health and disease prevention. A safe investment In the future, paying attention to what we eat depends on the information we have and how we use it in the most appropriate consumption choices. It is therefore important to contribute to learning more about Portuguese food and nutrition, based on objective, credible and scientifically robust data. This is the goal of this collection of five books. For the sake of your health.
May 2023
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0 × 0 × 0 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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