I’m Still Here
No. 34 OCTOBER 2018
«Ainda aqui estou»,
Until 2016, we were sadly accustomed to the images of the fires that were advancing through the country every summer. On televisions, despair and the crackling of the flames filled the news. In June and October 2017, when we thought that this «custom» couldn't get any worse, 115 people lost their lives and Portugal, in mourning, was a country shocked and unbelieving, mortally wounded by the tragedy that seemed to have no explanation.
«I’m still here», said one of the survivors. This portrait tells the story of those who died but above all those who are still here: fire fighters caught by the flames they were supposed to be helping to fight, volunteers who set out for the first time, families who lost their homes and businesses. And also of the old people, who were alone as they watched the fire advance.
«Ainda aqui estou»,
Until 2016, we were sadly accustomed to the images of the fires that were advancing through the country every summer. On televisions, despair and the crackling of the flames filled the news. In June and October 2017, when we thought that this «custom» couldn't get any worse, 115 people lost their lives and Portugal, in mourning, was a country shocked and unbelieving, mortally wounded by the tragedy that seemed to have no explanation.
«I’m still here», said one of the survivors. This portrait tells the story of those who died but above all those who are still here: fire fighters caught by the flames they were supposed to be helping to fight, volunteers who set out for the first time, families who lost their homes and businesses. And also of the old people, who were alone as they watched the fire advance.
More details
6 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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