Lisa Damour: Adolescence is not that simple

31 min
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Several studies show that stress and anxiety are on the rise among teenagers. What is causing this tension, which is  soaring among girls in particular? How can we solve it or turn it into a weapon that will help adolescents thrive?

American psychologist Lisa Damour argues that stress and anxiety, properly controlled, can help young people transcend their comfort zones. Furthermore, she believes that, ultimately, these states can ensure increased security for girls.

In this episode, the author of three New York Times bestsellers explains why being young today is far from simple.

According to this expert, «adolescence is shrouded in much more complexity» than ever before. The constant access to stimuli and information, the expectations placed on this age group - and those they themselves have about their future and the world - can become overwhelming.

In a talk worth both teenagers and adults will find illuminating, the psychologist highlights the importance of older people in these experiences: «The most powerful force for adolescents' mental health is strong relationships with caring adults».

In this interview, conducted by journalist Pedro Pinto, Lisa Damour also discusses other characteristics that differentiate today's youth, namely their openness to sexuality and to the problems facing society. Additionally, she gives advice on how to navigate this potentially tumultuous and intense phase, healthily.

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