The Crisis, the Family and the Family Crisis
No. 30 SEPTEMBER 2012
We are living through a crisis that affects everybody but doesn’t affect everybody the same way. Some among us are no longer enough and the state is not enough for them. They turn to the family when they have family. But if the state is shrinking now, families have shrunk before. And if the absence of family planning generates poverty, the drastic fall in birth rates also generates economic and social problems. To understand how we got here and to find a way out, it is necessary, but not enough, to talk about money. Determining responsibilities requires an ethical reflection on family and work. This is the subject of this essay.
We are living through a crisis that affects everybody but doesn’t affect everybody the same way. Some among us are no longer enough and the state is not enough for them. They turn to the family when they have family. But if the state is shrinking now, families have shrunk before. And if the absence of family planning generates poverty, the drastic fall in birth rates also generates economic and social problems. To understand how we got here and to find a way out, it is necessary, but not enough, to talk about money. Determining responsibilities requires an ethical reflection on family and work. This is the subject of this essay.
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8 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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