No. 8 JANUARY 2015
«These strangers are close to us. People who gather in cellars, in garages, in suburban shops, to worship God. People who sing and clap, who proclaim their love of God loud and clear. People who, at the end, come out on the street smiling. People we barely know.»
After years of being connected to a neo-Pentecostal church, João left and later set up an independent ministry. Nuno studied at the Baptist seminary but at one point he came to realise that organised religion was killing his faith. It was then that he decided to make a radical change in his experience of spirituality. It is a very personal urban portrait of a nation of faiths in the plural, narrated in the first person by Bruno, the guide on this quest that may also be his.
«These strangers are close to us. People who gather in cellars, in garages, in suburban shops, to worship God. People who sing and clap, who proclaim their love of God loud and clear. People who, at the end, come out on the street smiling. People we barely know.»
After years of being connected to a neo-Pentecostal church, João left and later set up an independent ministry. Nuno studied at the Baptist seminary but at one point he came to realise that organised religion was killing his faith. It was then that he decided to make a radical change in his experience of spirituality. It is a very personal urban portrait of a nation of faiths in the plural, narrated in the first person by Bruno, the guide on this quest that may also be his.
More details
7 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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