Os tempos na escola, um estudo da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos

Time at school

Are teaching hours longer or shorter in Portugal than in other countries? Have teaching hours in Portugal remained the same over the last few decades or have there been significant changes? And in what direction? Find the answer to these and other questions in the study «Time at school» by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

2 min
Time at school

Concern about the study of school hours has taken on a new dimension with the debate surrounding international assessments, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and the results they have revealed. By revealing major differences in the performance achieved by students in the countries concerned, these publications have highlighted the need to understand which factors related to education systems and schools are decisive in determining this diversity, placing the emphasis on comparative studies.

Teaching time is thus among the variables indicated as possibly having some weight on the different results found in international assessments. This study by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos therefore seeks to understand the Portuguese reality with regard to this variable, looking at issues such as:

  • How much time Portuguese students spend in school
  • The workload of each of the different subject areas taught in Portugal
  • How school hours in Portugal have changed
  • How the Portuguese reality compares to that of other countries, not only in terms of the workload in general, but also in terms of the teaching time for the different subject areas.


An analysis of the levels and years of schooling reveals that in ISCED 1 (primary education) there are more teaching hours in Portugal than in the other countries. Only Luxembourg is ahead of our country and even the United Kingdom (Ireland) and Norway, with more years at this level of education, have a lower workload.