Literatura e ensino do Português - Um estudo da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos

Portuguese Literature and Teaching

How is Portuguese taught in schools? What role does the teaching of literature play in the teaching of Portuguese? How can this role be strengthened? Find the answer to these and other questions in this study by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, produced by José Cardoso Bernardes and Rui Afonso Mateus.
3 min
Portuguese Literature and Teaching

In recent years, the teaching of Portuguese has been at the centre of intense public debate. Among the different controversies we have witnessed is the one that has arisen around the role of teaching literature in Portuguese language teaching, and the realisation that literary content is decreasing in Portuguese curricula in favour of other types of text, and that even those that remain are aesthetically neutralised, sometimes being studied as if they were non-literary texts.

Those who protest against this reduction and those who defend it even invoke the same argument: that it is necessary to defend an inclusive school that assures the same opportunities for everybody. For some, the presence of literature in programmes is a factor of discrimination. To that extent, persisting in studying it would mean keeping more students away from the educational success to which they are entitled. Using the same argumentative basis, there are those who think exactly the opposite. For them, literature (and, of course, the central books of the canon) is one of the highest achievements of the human spirit and should be considered everyone's heritage. In this sense, their presence in democratic schools is part of the framework of social equity.

Through this study, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos seeks to identify the deserved importance of literature in the teaching of Portuguese, as well as the methods and objectives that should be associated with it, in order for this teaching to be of quality and successful. To this end, the authors address issues such as:

  • the roots of the crisis in the teaching of literature in schools
  • the need to achieve a "new legitimacy" for the teaching of literature, in order to be able to «rehabilitate» it
  • the characteristics of a "new literary culture" that gives Literature the importance it deserves in the teaching of Portuguese.
The assessment of literary knowledge should seek to ascertain the ability to react to the texts read, at various levels: linguistic, historical and literary, inter-artistic, rhetorical-formal and ideological knowledge; and a decisive percentage should value the skill demonstrated at expressive level and in the maturing of taste and sensitivity.