Um estudo da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos sobre as empresas portuguesas no comércio internacional.

Portuguese companies in international trade

How are Portuguese export companies characterised? What are the main institutional barriers they face in their business activities? Find the answer to these and other questions in this study by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
2 min
Estudo As empresas portuguesas no comércio internacional, da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
Portuguese companies in international trade

International trade plays a central role in the Portuguese economy, with imports and exports accounting for around 43% and 44% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) respectively in 2018. The weight of trade in Portuguese economic activity as a whole has increased consistently since the 1960s and has risen sharply in the last decade. This development has contributed to economic growth and to correcting the serious macroeconomic imbalances that led to the 2011-2014 Economic and Financial Assistance Programme. The developments over the last two decades correspond to progressive adaptation of national companies to the new realities of international trade.

This study by Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos seeks to understand the reality of these companies, identifying:

  • the characteristics of Portuguese export companies
  • what type of goods and services they export
  • which companies perform best
  • how much they pay their employees
  • what difficulties and obstacles they face.

Through this study, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos seeks to provide the interested public with more in-depth information about this increasingly important aspect of the Portuguese economy, thus contributing to more informed debate on public policies for the Portuguese export sector.


Among exporters of non-tourist services, the 1% largest group accounts for 59% of the total value exported, while the 10% largest group accounts for 86% of total exports. This concentration of trade is visible not only between companies, but also in the types of services and markets explored by each company. This concentration results in greater exposure to idiosyncratic risks from companies, services and partner countries.
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Video presentation of the study
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Presentation and discussion of the study
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Estudo As empresas portuguesas no comércio internacional, da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos