What is it like to be a woman in Portugal today? The life stories of eight women weave a  portrait of the country's progress over the last 40 years and the obstacles they still face today. This programme is a co-production between the Foundation and RTP, narrated by Carlos Daniel.
What is the current status of women in Portugal? What opportunities and challenges still exist? This two-part documentary charts the path taken by women in Portugal since the 1970s.
This is a journey made up of undeniable advances and achievements, but in which discrimination still persists. This documentary is therefore also an examination of professional inequalities and the pay gap, unpaid work and the vicious cycle that feeds it, and domestic violence, of which women are the primary victims.
This is a portrait of women in Portugal in 2021 and the future we want to build. Featuring interviews with experts, statistical data from Pordata and analysis from sociologist Anália Torres.

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