Imagem da capa do livro «O lixo em Portugal»
Imagem da capa do livro «O lixo em Portugal»

Waste in Portugal

No. 127 JANUARY 2023

Human beings are, and always have been, producers of waste. But this waste and what is done with it has changed a great deal over time. It is matter: extracted, transformed, desired, used, rejected; an object of processes, technologies, policies, markets and cultures. An environmental problem, a technical challenge or potential wealth, it mirrors society.
The warnings that we need to reduce it, reuse it and recycle it do not go to the heart of the matter. This book goes from the history of waste as a collective problem of urban origin to taking an in-depth look at national production and the economics of waste, at the institutions and processes that manage it and, given the ecological crisis, the changes that lie ahead. So that we can take ownership of our waste, instead of just continuing to throw it away.

Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
More details
8 × 130 × 200 mm

Book available only in Portuguese
