Social Security: Our Mortgaged Future
No. 9 JANUARY 2011
This essay aims to made the reader aware of the importance of the ethical foundations of public social security policies from the perspective of intergenerational justice. In particular, the issue of pensions is examined in the face of the economic, social and political threats and challenges facing social protection systems in Portugal and around the world. What should social security be, both for the current generations who finance it and want to continue to enjoy it and particularly for future generations, who will inherit everything we do, whether good or bad, to preserve a standard of living with equal opportunities for a decent life and personal fulfilment?
Published by FFMS and Relógio d'Água.
2011 edition
This essay aims to made the reader aware of the importance of the ethical foundations of public social security policies from the perspective of intergenerational justice. In particular, the issue of pensions is examined in the face of the economic, social and political threats and challenges facing social protection systems in Portugal and around the world. What should social security be, both for the current generations who finance it and want to continue to enjoy it and particularly for future generations, who will inherit everything we do, whether good or bad, to preserve a standard of living with equal opportunities for a decent life and personal fulfilment?
Published by FFMS and Relógio d'Água.
2011 edition
More details
15 × 137 × 208 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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