The Future of Forests in Portugal
No. 42 JANUARY 2014
The Portuguese forest is one of the country's most important resources. High potential productivity allowed the development of industries that engage in the export of goods of enormous added value to the country. But other components, such as biodiversity or environmental ecosystem services, are increasingly relevant. For example, carbon sequestration in forests helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. But forests face risks like fires. There will be no future without fire prevention. Global changes can increase the risk of fire, cause physiological stress and exacerbate the attacks of biotic agents, leading to the decline of some forests.
The Portuguese forest is one of the country's most important resources. High potential productivity allowed the development of industries that engage in the export of goods of enormous added value to the country. But other components, such as biodiversity or environmental ecosystem services, are increasingly relevant. For example, carbon sequestration in forests helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. But forests face risks like fires. There will be no future without fire prevention. Global changes can increase the risk of fire, cause physiological stress and exacerbate the attacks of biotic agents, leading to the decline of some forests.
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8 × 130 × 200 mm
Book available only in Portuguese
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