No. 141 SEPTEMBER 2024
123456? Madonna? Ronaldo? Day and month of birth? No – these codes are used too often. Reading and replying to messages on your smartphone without considering the risks? No. Installing apps just because you heard they’re cute? No. Authorising all cookies when visiting a website or downloading an app? No. Smishing, Phishing, Ransomware and DDoS are neologisms to describe some of the most common attacks that exploit the weaknesses of digital systems.
This essay explains the importance of cybersecurity, addresses concrete problems and gives practical advice. Given the worrying dependence of our society on digital technologies, and the consequent need for protection, citizens and businesses must be more alert to the pitfalls that fuel crime in the digital world.
123456? Madonna? Ronaldo? Day and month of birth? No – these codes are used too often. Reading and replying to messages on your smartphone without considering the risks? No. Installing apps just because you heard they’re cute? No. Authorising all cookies when visiting a website or downloading an app? No. Smishing, Phishing, Ransomware and DDoS are neologisms to describe some of the most common attacks that exploit the weaknesses of digital systems.
This essay explains the importance of cybersecurity, addresses concrete problems and gives practical advice. Given the worrying dependence of our society on digital technologies, and the consequent need for protection, citizens and businesses must be more alert to the pitfalls that fuel crime in the digital world.
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8 × 130 × 200 mm