The Foundation met with members of the Portuguese Parliament
On 23 January, the Foundation met with a group of members of the Portuguese Parliament regarding the study ‘Mechanisms and Impacts of Electoral Abstention in Portugal’, which is still under development. The purpose was to gather contributions from elected representatives on the causes of electoral abstention and to explore strategies to combat it in the legislative elections.
The meeting also presented preliminary results of the research, which will be published in 2025. This study, coordinated by researchers João Cancela (NOVA-FCSH) and José Santana Pereira (ISCTE-IUL), will present public policy recommendations to bring voters closer to their representatives.
This session was attended by the Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees, MP Paula Cardoso (PSD), as well as MPs João Antunes dos Santos (PSD), Elza Pais (PS), Patrícia Gilvaz (IL), Paulo Muacho (L), Manuel Magno (CH), Pedro Neves de Sousa (PSD), Paulo Núncio (CDS-PP), Paula Margarido (PSD), Nuno Gabriel (CH), Paula de Medeiros (PSD) and advisor and former MP Nelson Peralta (BE).