Water in Portugal
No. 138 MAY 2024
Every little drop, drop by drop, the last drop, the one that causes an overflow or a scarcity. Although water is the most common liquid on the surface of the Earth, every drop has always counted in all societies. In recent decades, economic transformations and climate change have exacerbated water shortages, especially in Mediterranean regions.
This essay analyses the management of water resources in mainland Portugal. Although per capita availability is comfortable, temporal irregularities and spatial asymmetry can cause shortages. It is urgent to identify the most appropriate public policies, because the discussion on water management will determine the economic model we want for Portugal.
Every little drop, drop by drop, the last drop, the one that causes an overflow or a scarcity. Although water is the most common liquid on the surface of the Earth, every drop has always counted in all societies. In recent decades, economic transformations and climate change have exacerbated water shortages, especially in Mediterranean regions.
This essay analyses the management of water resources in mainland Portugal. Although per capita availability is comfortable, temporal irregularities and spatial asymmetry can cause shortages. It is urgent to identify the most appropriate public policies, because the discussion on water management will determine the economic model we want for Portugal.
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8.5 × 130 × 200 mm