Human Rights
No. 129 MAY 2023
All human beings have inalienable rights. This idea was recognised by the founding countries of the United Nations after the Second World War and was enshrined in the Universal Declaration of 1948. Since then, these rights have been extended and, at the same time, violated throughout the world every day. It is this tension that is at the heart of this book.
The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights opens up the study of civil rights, taking a close look at the legacy of the divisions in humanity. The impact of decolonisation is assessed, as well as international migration, including the right to asylum. Economic and social rights are addressed in the final part, including the rights to privacy and individual integrity in the era of social media. Environmental rights complete this essay.
Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
All human beings have inalienable rights. This idea was recognised by the founding countries of the United Nations after the Second World War and was enshrined in the Universal Declaration of 1948. Since then, these rights have been extended and, at the same time, violated throughout the world every day. It is this tension that is at the heart of this book.
The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights opens up the study of civil rights, taking a close look at the legacy of the divisions in humanity. The impact of decolonisation is assessed, as well as international migration, including the right to asylum. Economic and social rights are addressed in the final part, including the rights to privacy and individual integrity in the era of social media. Environmental rights complete this essay.
Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
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8.5 × 130 × 200 mm