Higher Education and Development
How has the Portuguese higher education system developed? What state policies and investments, institutional network, student search and teacher profile do we have? How is science encouraged, funded and produced in universities and what connection does it have to the civil service and the private production sector?
This book analyses the higher education system and scientific research from a perspective of international comparison and of public service at the disposal of citizens. We describe the enormous educational lag accumulated in the 150 years prior to World War I and the slow recovery up to the end of the last century.
In science, as a professional activity, our history is no more than half a century long. Having achieved educational and scientific indicators comparable to those of our European peers today, it is important to understand the reasons for their moderate impact on the country's economic and social development.
Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
April 2023
This book analyses the higher education system and scientific research from a perspective of international comparison and of public service at the disposal of citizens. We describe the enormous educational lag accumulated in the 150 years prior to World War I and the slow recovery up to the end of the last century.
In science, as a professional activity, our history is no more than half a century long. Having achieved educational and scientific indicators comparable to those of our European peers today, it is important to understand the reasons for their moderate impact on the country's economic and social development.
Book recommended by the National Reading Plan.
April 2023
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12 × 150 × 235 mm