Health and Private Hospitals in Portugal
No. 130 MAY 2023
In Portugal, the public sector pays two thirds of healthcare spending, but it is the private sector that provides more than half of the care. Did you know that Portugal had the second highest rate of unmet healthcare needs in the European Union during Covid-19? And that the long-term trend points to reducing the burden of the state in healthcare funding and provision?
This essay takes a close look at the developments and the current situation in the Portuguese health system. It addresses the failures that have led to the degradation of accessibility and quality in the National Health Service. It analyses the increase in the number of people with additional health coverage and the expansion of the private sector, in particular in the hospital area. It outlines an urgent diagnosis – for the sake of our health.
In Portugal, the public sector pays two thirds of healthcare spending, but it is the private sector that provides more than half of the care. Did you know that Portugal had the second highest rate of unmet healthcare needs in the European Union during Covid-19? And that the long-term trend points to reducing the burden of the state in healthcare funding and provision?
This essay takes a close look at the developments and the current situation in the Portuguese health system. It addresses the failures that have led to the degradation of accessibility and quality in the National Health Service. It analyses the increase in the number of people with additional health coverage and the expansion of the private sector, in particular in the hospital area. It outlines an urgent diagnosis – for the sake of our health.
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8.5 × 130 × 200 mm