Capa do retrato «A Morrer ou a Viver? Histórias de cuidados paliativos», lançado em maio
Capa do retrato «A Morrer ou a Viver? Histórias de cuidados paliativos», lançado em maio

Dying or Living? Stories of palliative care

No. 78 MAY 2024

It is often said of someone with a serious and incurable disease: «They're dying». However, this person is still, and above all, living. In order to do so with the least suffering and the maximum possible support, we have Palliative Care, which is only accessible to 30% of the Portuguese who need it.

This book portrays five patients, Nini, João, Francisco, Maria José and Djamila, what they think and feel, their actual, family and interior journey, during this specialised and multidisciplinary care.

It also gives a voice to professionals, who exemplify the national reality and put it into context, reinforcing the importance of palliative care in improving the quality and dignity of human life until the end. Because there is always something else to do.
More details
6.5 × 130 × 200 mm

Book available only in Portuguese
